Comparison Between Cushion Tires And Solid Pneumatic Tires


Comparison Between Cushion Tires And Solid Pneumatic Tires

Comparison Between Cushion Tires And Solid Pn…

10th Sep 2019

Question: What are some of the key differentiating factors between the cushion tires and the solid pneumatic tires?

Solid tires usually come in two different varieties - the solid pneumatic tires and the cushion tires. Even though these two tires are made of solid rubber they have unique differentiating features. In this article, we are going to look at how they compare in terms of application, size and structure or design.


When it comes to application the cushion tires and solid pneumatic tires are quite different. The cushion tires are ideal for use on smooth even floors characteristic of a warehouse since they have a lower profile.

On the other hand, the solid pneumatic tires are great for use outdoors given the fact that they are much higher which is ideal for navigating rough terrains.

Therefore when it comes to application the cushion tires are great for indoors and the solid pneumatic tires for outdoor work.


When it comes to size the cushion tires are usually much smaller while the solid pneumatic tires are quite large in comparison.

The small size of the cushion tires makes them perfect for warehouse space maximization efforts as they can easily maneuver tight spaces with a low chance of accidents. They are popular for use in narrow aisle forklifts.

The solid pneumatic tires are usually much larger and good for navigating bumpy terrain. However, despite their differences in size both of them come with excellent load-bearing capacity.

Structure and Design

Even though they are both made of solid rubber their internal structure is composed differently.

The cushion tires are made of uniform solid rubber throughout their internal structure while the solid pneumatic tires are made of up to three layers of different rubber compounds.

The structure of the solid pneumatic tire gives them an advantage when it comes to heat dissipation generated from overloading or over-speeding. Cushion tires would have damaging heat build-up for similar situations.

While the solid pneumatic tires usually come with the traction option only the cushion tires can either be smooth or with traction tread ideal for wet floors.

Therefore when you are considering using solid tires for your application, you should carefully evaluate them based on these three areas; application, size, and structure. It will help you figure out which ones between the two you should go for. 

Forklift Tire Company is one of the largest suppliers of forklift tires in the USA. We are happy to help you find the right tires for your forklift truck. Visit our online store here for great discounts or email us at, our customer service team is ready to assist you.