​5 Important Tips To Consider While Refueling A Forklift


​5 Important Tips To Consider While Refueling A Forklift

​5 Important Tips To Consider While Refueling…

19th Nov 2019

Even though the refueling of forklifts is commonplace, it is still a potent cause of very fatal accidents and damage to equipment. If you do it improperly you can be exposed to fires, slips from oil spills and damage to the forklift engine when there is a build-up of sediments due to low fuel.

Luckily most of these incidents can be prevented by taking the following measures;

Provide Proper Ventilation

The vapors that are generated when gasoline and diesel are exposed to the air can be dangerous when inhaled in large concentrations.

For this reason, the area in which the forklift is refueled should have proper ventilation to diffuse the vapors and reduce their concentration.

Preferably, the refueling area should be outdoors instead and not in an indoor enclosed area. You should also ensure that it is far from heat or sparks or fires sources as gasoline and diesel are highly flammable.

Shut Down Forklift Properly

Your forklift should also be completely shut down during the refueling process. Once it is time to refuel the forklift, park it close to a refueling source and set it on neutral. Ensure the forks are lowered to the ground as they can be a source of tripping accidents. Then engage the parking brakes to render the forklift immovable and shut off the engine before you begin the refueling process.

Emergency Response

Even with all the caution in the world, you cannot completely rule out the occurrence of accidents while refueling a forklift. Therefore while you are doing the refueling you should be familiar with appropriate emergency response processes.

For instance, you should know where the alarm boxes are. In case you need to make a quick escape it should be obvious where emergency escape routes are.

Fire extinguishers and first aid kits should also be readily available in case of an accident.

Proper Refilling Procedure

One of the most common incidents that occur when the refueling of the forklift is not properly done is the presence of oil spills. Such spills can be damaging when they come into contact with forklift tires and are also a recipe for slip accidents.

Therefore ensure that you properly close the filler cap after you are done refilling the forklift. You should avoid refilling the forklift to the brim since oil expands when heated and so it will eventually spill.

In the event that an oil spill occurs, you should wipe it off immediately.

Operator Training

The place of operator training cannot be over-emphasized when it comes to refueling a forklift. Proper training will see to it that you have the capacity to shut down the forklift properly to prevent accidents.

Training will also enable you to be well versed with the hazards around the refueling station like oil spills.

Therefore you should always ensure you have a well-ventilated area designated for the refueling of the forklift. You should also take up training to ensure your conduct around the refueling area upholds safety. Proper emergency response mechanisms should also be set in place to reduce the extent of injuries in the event of an accident.

Forklift Tire Company is one of the largest suppliers of forklift tires in the USA. We are happy to help you find the right tires for your forklift truck. Visit our online store here for great discounts or email us at sales@forklifttire.com, our customer service team is ready to assist you.