​How To Keep Your Forklift Efficient During Cold Storage Operations


​How To Keep Your Forklift Efficient During Cold Storage Operations

​How To Keep Your Forklift Efficient During C…

20th Nov 2021

Operating forklifts in cold storage can be a challenge thanks to the low temperatures that usually create all manner of challenges. For instance, they normally lead to condensation which is a major threat to engine performance. Condensation also leads to moisture build up on the floors which makes them slippery. Battery run time also gets affected thereby exposing you to downtime.

Let's take a look at all these problems in detail and how you can take care of them.

Condensation Problems

Forklifts that operate in cold storage areas naturally assume the low temperatures in the cold storage. Once they are moved to an area with slightly higher temperatures, condensation will begin to form in parts of the forklift. Since the condensation comes with moisture it will eventually corrode the engine and damage it.

To ensure this does not happen you should schedule the forklift to operate in the cold storage area for an entire shift. Afterward, it can be moved to a warmer storage area for a prolonged period to allow for the moisture from the condensation to evaporate.

Moving the forklift back to the cold storage area too soon after exposure to warmer temperatures will lead to equally damaging freezing.

Slippery Floors

Another common incident in cold storage is the collection of moisture on the floors which makes them slippery. If you use tires that are not designed for cold storage operations you will give your forklift operators a hard time when it comes to maneuvering the forklifts.

The ideal tires for cold storage that you should go for are polyurethane tires which are key to improving traction on the slippery floors. They achieve this through micro-grips on their surfaces or different sipe patterns meant to deflect water from the path of the tire.

Reduced Battery Efficiency

The temperatures in cold storage also have a major impact on the efficiency of the forklift batteries. Apart from the condensation that can form on the batteries, cold storage temperatures can also reduce battery run time by up to 30%. You can counter that by going for batteries with a higher voltage and more run time.

In case that is not an option, you should ensure that your forklift batteries are always fully charged before any operation to avoid downtime.

You can always get specialized forklifts to counter some of these challenges but if you can't here are some proven remedies. For the condensation problems, avoid exposing your forklift to extreme temperature variations. Make use of tires with improved traction for the slippery floors. Finally, go for batteries with a higher voltage for improved run time. 

Forklift Tire Company is one of the largest suppliers of forklift tires in the USA. We are happy to help you find the right tires for your forklift truck. Visit our online store here for great discounts or email us at sales@forklifttire.com, our customer service team is ready to assist you.